Baptism + Party + Extras

Francois sent us these pictures earlier this week! On Sunday his church had it’s annual church party as well as 8 or so people getting baptized! Sister churches from all around the community came to Francois’ church for the big party which took place immediately following the service on Francois’ property! I just love these pictures.

The church!

Francois with kids from his church

Waiting to be baptized



Francois' son, Alden, playing the keyboard (projector in the background that was donated through Loving Haiti last March!)


Party time!

In other news, my dad is all set and ready to fly out to Pignon THIS Sunday! I just can’t wait for him to experience the “School of Haiti” as Francois often says. I think Francois and my dad might just become the best of friends. The moment I met Francois he reminded me of my dad and I dreamed of a day those two could meet, before Heaven 🙂 The day has come!!!

Also my sister and I were able to attend a pretty cool conference tonight at Denver University:

The guest speaker was author Sheryl WuDunn. She co-wrote the book “Half the Sky”. Have you read Half the Sky? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. It got me fired up even more for Loving Haiti and the many different ways we can help “Turn Oppression into Opportunity.”

Speaking of opportunity, Denny, the girls, and I may be going to Haiti this summer for 6 weeks. A few things have to fall into place for this to happen but we are excited about the possibility.

And finally, my mom and I will be going to the Justice Conference next weekend in Portland. We are beyond excited. If you’re in the area you should definitely consider attending!

Thanks for all your support!
